13 research outputs found

    Information Technology Service Management with Cloud Computing Approach to Improve Administration System and Online Learning Performance

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    This work discusses the development of information technology service management using cloud computing approach to improve the performance of administration system and online learning at STMIK IBBI Medan, Indonesia. The network topology is modeled and simulated for system administration and online learning. The same network topology is developed in cloud computing using Amazon AWS architecture. The model is designed and modeled using Riverbed Academic Edition Modeler to obtain values of the parameters: delay, load, CPU utilization, and throughput. The simu- lation results are the following. For network topology 1, without cloud computing, the average delay is 54 ms, load 110 000 bits/s, CPU utilization 1.1%, and throughput 440 bits/s. With cloud computing, the average delay is 45 ms, load 2 800 bits/s, CPU utilization 0.03%, and throughput 540 bits/s. For network topology 2, without cloud computing, the average delay is 39 ms, load 3 500 bits/s, CPU utilization 0.02%, and throughput database server 1 400 bits/s. With cloud computing, the average delay is 26 ms, load 5 400 bits/s, CPU utilization email server 0.0001%, FTP server 0.001%, HTTP server 0.0002%, throughput email server 85 bits/s, FTP server 100 bits/sec, and HTTP server 95 bits/s. Thus, the delay, the load, and the CPU utilization decrease; but, the throughput increases. Information technology service management with cloud computing approach has better performance

    Implementasi Pemerintah Kota Bukittingi dalam Kerjasama Sister City dengan Perbandaran Seremban

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    Autonomous regions and globalization has encouraged an increase in the capacity of the government and the town of Bukittinggi in good governance as a prerequisite for development and a step that makes the fabric of wider cooperation. It encourages the development of sister city cooperation Bukittinggi city government and the Seremban Municipal.Implementation describes the successful cooperation of Bukittinggi and Seremban Municipal. The study used Pluralism perspective. Used theoretical framework cooperation theory, effectiveness, as well as the concept of sister city.In connection with the objectives to be achieved together, the cooperation between the government of Bukittinggi and the Seremban Municipal sister city cooperation greatly helped the city of Bukittinggi in developing all the advantages of natural resources and beauty that can not be in doubt. This study uses primary data that is direct observation of the application of the sister city in Bukittinggi town and using qualitative analysis research. The results showed that the implementation of the implementation of cooperation sister city of Bukittinggi and Seremban Municipal positive impact and can be utilized by the town of Bukittinggi in developing amcam various agreements that have been listed in the agreement between the city and the Municipal Bukitttinggi Seremban.Keywords: Sister City, Cooperation, Bukittinggi and Perbandaran Seremba

    Peningkatan Konektifitas Service VPLS Redundant Path dengan Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol

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    Virtual Private LAN Service is already very popular among the enterprise industry which is a point to point network or multipoint to multipoint l2VPN service, VPLS provides transparent bridge between customers connected to geographically dispersed locations delivered via MPLS backbone by utilizing features such as MPLS Fast reroute and traffic engineering. Redundant paths can be applied to the VPLS service on the access side and backbone to maintain link performance that aims to minimize down time during network fails on the VPLS service. In this research, the implementation of redundant path using RSTP to prevent forwarding loop switching network in VPLS service to protect end-to-end data traffic with VPLS mesh-pseudowire and spoke-pesudowire with RSTP is the most optimal result compared to STP and build reliable network System with high performance for use in modern industry

    Rancang Bangun Hybrid Cloud Storage Berbasis Infrastucture as a Service (IAAS)

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    Setiap pengguna untuk penyimpanan data memperlukan penyimpanan dengan kapasitas besar namun dengan biaya yang terjangkau, karena hal ini peran hybrid cloud storage merupakan layanan yang untuk meningkatkan kapasitas cloud storage yang lebih besar serta memiliki sistem pengolahan data lebih terstruktur. Pada penelitian ini digunakan platform owncloud sebagai tipe private cloud dan nextcloud sebagai tipe public cloud untuk membangun hybrid cloud storage memanfaatkan layanan infrastructure as a service menambahkan kapasitas storage dan tidak memperlukan biaya lebih. Dengan diterapkan manfaat layanan infrastructure as a service di dapatkan hasil memory dan cpu terpakai 39%, saat upload 3 data file berukuran 300MB, 500MB, dan 1024MB dengan 3client secara hampir bersamaan.Kata kunci — Cloud Storage, Hybrid Cloud Storage, Infrastructure As A Service

    Perancangan Mortar Geopolimer Abu Sekam

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    This study present about geopolymer mortar with rice husk ash (RHA) as binder. Both material are used their silica element were activated by alkaline solution. Alkaline solution was prepared by combining sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide of 18 M. Compressive strength of geopolymer mortar that was studied based variation of modulus activator, dosage activator, curing time, and curing temperature. Research showed that optimum mix proportion of geopolymer mortar with Rice Husk Ash (RHA) which result the optimum compressive strength. The ratio of sodium silicate solution to sodium hydroxide solution by mass was 2.5:1. The mass ratio of alkaline solution to blended ashes was 9:10. Test specimens 5×5×5 cm cube were prepared and cured at room temperature (28ºC) for 3 days and heat-cured at 70ºC for 24 hours. The speciemens were cured at room temperature for 7 days until testing date. Result from this research represents compressive strength the mortar as according to variation molar of sodium hydroxide and used a little addition of water

    Molecular taxonomy via DNA barcodes for species identification in selected genera of Fabaceae

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    Fabaceae merupakan famili yang penting secara ekologi dan ekonomi karena manfaatnya yang tinggi sebagai sumber makanan, pupuk hijau, serta tanaman obat. Namun, di Indonesia Fabaceae telah dieksploitasi secara berlebihan di Indonesia dan beberapa spesies termasuk dalam kategori terancam punah. Untuk mendukung upaya konservasi dibutuhkan teknik identifikasi yang cepat dan akurat. Saat ini, identifikasi spesies melalui DNA barcode telah menjadi teknik klasifikasi taksonomi yang efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas penanda matK, rbcL, serta kombinasinya (matK+rbcL), sebagai DNA barcode dalam identifikasi spesies dari famili Fabaceae. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa matK+rbcL dan matK memiliki tingkat identifikasi tertinggi (90% dan 82,05%) pada tingkat spesies. Selain itu, matK memiliki rata-rata jarak interspesifik tertinggi (0.314) dan jarak intraspesifik (0.0030). Selanjutnya pohon filogenetik terbaik dihasilkan dengan metode Neighbour Joining. Berdasarkan analisis secara keseluruhan matK dan matK+rbcL merupakan barcode terbaik untuk spesies terpilih dalam penelitian ini.Fabaceae is an invaluable plant family with considerable ecological and economic importances for example as food sources, bio-fertilizer, and medicinal plants. However, Fabaceae has been overexploited in Indonesia and several species belong to this family are critically endangered. Due to morphological similarity, rapid and accurate identification of Fabaceae species is essential to support its conservation efforts. Nowadays, species identification through DNA barcoding has become an effective taxonomic classification tool. This study was aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of chloroplast markers, matK and rbcL and the combination (matK+rbcL), as DNA barcodes for the identification of seleted genera in Fabaceae. The result showed that matK+rbcL and matK had the highest level of identification (90% and 82.05%) of the investigated genera, respectively. Additionally, matK had the highest mean of interspesific distance (0.134) and intraspecific distance (0.003). The combined barcode matK+rbcL had the highest correct identification rate when comparing the morphological with molecular identification. Furthermore, the best phylogenetic tree was obtained using Neighbor Joining method. Based on the overall performance, matK and matK+rbcL were the best barcodes for the selected genera in this study

    Implementation of Augmented Reality for Introduction to Android Based Mammalian Animals Using the Marker Based Tracking Method

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    Augmented Reality is a technology on 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional virtual objects that are combined into the real environment that is around us. With the ability of Augmented Reality that is able to change the atmosphere of children's learning that can be used as a medium of learning in the introduction of mammals for kindergarten children. This AR can provide interesting facilities such as displaying 3-dimensional objects of these mammals along with animal sounds and animations using Smartphones, so that children can interact and be more creative in recognizing these mammals, because children experience their golden age at the age of 4 to 7 years which is a time when children begin to receive stimuli, so that children will be Faster to receive and catch on learning from the introduction of these mammals by using Augmented Reality Technology. The results of testing on the Vuforia plugin and making the AR application on Unity can provide a good information result, where the use of AR can bring up mammalian objects by pointing the Smartphone at the marker, so that all mammals can be recognized properly. This shows that children's interest around 85% in terms of UI/UX appearance, and 70% of children have no problems in running the Mammal Animal AR applicatio